St John 1 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. Let me set the story up....
Christ is spending time with the apostles. He spends the day with Philip.
What an exciting experience!
So, of course, Philip does would any of us would do and he goes to tell his friends.
He goes to Nathanael and he says..
vs 45 "We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph."
Nathanael responds with
vs 46 "What good thing comes out of Nazareth?"
Philip says
vs 46"Come and see."
Philip takes Nathanael to Christ. Before Nathanael introduces himself, Christ calls him by name. Nathanael is so confused so he asks Christ
vs 48 "Whence knowest thou me?"
Christ says
vs 48 "Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under he fig tree, I saw thee."
Nathanael.... a new man, with a changed heart says
vs 49 "Thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel."
Now we don't know what Nathanael was doing under that fig tree, except that he was praying.
I think we all have fig tree moments don't we? When we think that nobody knows what is deep down in our hearts. They don't know our struggles and challenges. But one day we will meet our maker and we will know that he was with us. Even when we thought we were alone.
I had a fig tree moment. I was struggling, so I went for a walk. I found myself under a tree, praying. I was praying for peace and this story came to my mind. I found that peace. I know Christ is with us all. I know he hears our prayers. He knows what is in our hearts.
And Iinvite you all to come and see.
What a neat blog! it is truly inspiring and I think the whole world should read it.